キャサリン妃 〜ケンブリッジ公爵夫人の全て〜
ケイト・ミドルトン(Catherine Elizabeth Middleton)は、1982年1月9日、父マイケル・フランシス(Michael Francis)、母キャロル・エリザベス(Carole Elizabeth)の長女として王立バークシャー病院で生まれました。
その後、1983年には妹のフィリッパ(Philippa, 愛称:ピッパ)、1987年には弟のジェームズ(James)が生まれ、一家は5人になりました。
Kate and her Family
Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was born in 9th January, 1982 as the eldest daughter of her father, Michael Francis and her mother, Carole Elizabeth at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
Berkshires is located to the west of London. Berkshire hospital is located in the town called Reading.
Berkshire Hospital is also known as the hospital where successive royal descendants were born.
Her father, Michael Francis was a flight dispatcher at British Airways and her mother, Carole Elizabeth was a flight attendant at British Airways.
Kate was born in a relatively wealthy family in such a middle-class family.
After that, the younger sister Philippa (nickname: Pippa) in 1983, and the younger brother James was born in 1987 and the family had five members.
In the same year when James was born, parents founded private company that sells toys with a great success, and Middleton became a millionaire.
Such a economic wealth would have a significant impact on Kate's life.
Kate was born to an upper-middle-class family and blessed with a family environment, had sufficient education, and grew up as a lady who has the appropriate elegance.
Kate who was blessed with love of family spent her childhood in Yorkshire, and grew up freely.
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